Unlocking Community Potential & Responding to Community Need
We believe in action at a community level. This is the context for young people and their families; peer influence and community change is powerful.
Inspire South West has supported untold families by working with Fareshare, Neighbourly and local businesses to redistribute
food that would ordinarily
go to waste.
Inspire South West are passionate about supporting local communities and will continue to invest time, money and resources to meet community needs. To date this includes:
Donated sports equipment to local schools and clubs
Donating resources​
Supporting the work of the Police and Youth Offending Service
Linking with Devon and Cornwall Magistrates
Fareshare and Neighbourly distributor
Parenting Programmes
Inspire South West has highly experienced and qualified professionals who run a range of parenting courses. These can help boost confidence in parents as well as give them strategies to manage their children’s behaviour more effectively. We deliver the ‘Happy Families Happy Futures’ parenting program, which is a great opportunity for parent/carers to benefit from advice and support.
Triple P – Family Transitions
Triple P – Family Transitions is a practical programme for parents who are already separated or divorced, delivered digitally via Teams group. The group runs for two hours, once a week for five weeks. Co-parents attend separate groups run by the same facilitator.
The programme will give you simple and practical strategies to help you nurture strong, healthy relationships within the family and reduce inter-parental conflict.
Each week the facilitated programme will guide you through a range of topics including:
Divorce - a family transition
Coping with emotions both your own and your children’s including helping children manage their emotions around divorce/separation
Managing conflict between yourself and other co parent
Challenging unhelpful thoughts and unpleasant emotions
Developing and implementing a parenting plan
Balancing work, family and play including mindfulness and setting goals for change.
Within My Reach
Within My Reach is a practical programme for parents who are in a relationship struggling to agree on parenting, delivered digitally in groups via teams to one or both parents. The group runs for two hours, once a week for six weeks
The programme helps you to explore the underlying issues that may be causing conflict in your relationship and provides practical tools to improve emotional regulation and communication.
The programme covers:
Family background beliefs and values and how it impacts your relationship and co-parenting
Smart love
Hidden Issues
Personality tool
Making decisions
Negative communication patterns
Positive communication strategies
Overcoming barriers to relationship goals
Supporting to make positive decisions
These programs are completely FREE and suitable for any co-parents with no history of domestic abuse. Places are Limited and will be allocated on a referral basis for details on how to apply please email: Jenni@inspiresouthwest.co.uk
Education Other than at School (EOTAS)
There are some circumstances where children and young people with special educational needs cannot be educated within the formal educational setting / environment.
Inspire South West works closely with the Local Authority and families to manage and deliver EOTAS packages. Every package is bespoke to meeting the needs of the young person.